Thursday, February 25, 2010

D111: Cursed

I partly blame Gabrielle Geiselman. The rest of the blame rests on me for not breaking the rules today.

Gabrielle has talked about the funk you sometimes get in after you produce some really great images. Well every time I look at my image from day 109, I fall even more in love with it. I can't really explain what it is. It just works for me. It works so well that I'm having it printed on canvas.

Crazy, I know.

Anyways, I'm not really having a creative block, I'm just uninspired. While traveling home from a morning meeting out of town, I pulled over at a rest stop. This particular rest stop has some massive lava bluffs, so I wanted to try and get a nice landscape shot. I initially ignored the sign that said the trails were closed during the winter and headed up the trail. Then I came to a large gate that sternly read "TRAIL CLOSED". Super easy to walk around, but this would be a little hard to explain. You can't exactly miss seeing a huge gate across the trail.

Maybe I'll head up there one morning and sneak in for a sunrise shot!

Manual: Page 198 - Troubleshooting

Images:Jeremy Cowart
I never EVER get tired of looking at Jeremy's work, he is crazy talented. I'm truly inspired by so many of his images. It doesn't hurt that he's pretty much one of the most amazing human beings, either.

1 comment:

  1. Day 109 WAS very very cool! I like everything .. I have no discrimination.
